do you like him?

Hey I know how confusing guys are do they like you do you like them? Ugggggggg hurts your head to think of it so don't just wee if I can help..........

You don't have to listen to what this quiz tells you but I highly recommend it and la la llama rainbow surface cube lemon drop. No boys were harmed in the making of this quiz..... possibly.

Created by: princesslala

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you friends?
  2. Is he cute?
  3. Do you ever catch yourself looking at him
  4. How do you feel when he smiles at you?
  5. Do you like him?
  6. Is he a jerk?
  7. what would you do if you saw him kissing another girl
  8. What if that girl was your bff
  9. Need a filler so..... fave ice cream
  10. Did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: Do I like him?