Do you like him?

I am making this quiz to take myself. I think I like 2 guys and I will compare results. I hope this will help you realize wether or not you like them!

Do you like him? Not just a little crush. Really like him! Find out, because I have 4 prepared possible answers to choose from. Get ready to be surprised.

Created by: anonymous

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you think you like him?
  2. Do you find yourself thinking of him randomly?
  3. Do you like his looks?
  4. Do you like his personality?
  5. Do you notice little things like his eyes?
  6. He asks you to the dance. Now what?
  7. Do you find yourself around him a lot?
  8. Do you like being around him?
  9. What is your favourite part about him?
  10. Is he your only crush or possible crush?
  11. So one last thing. Could you see yourself in a relationship with him. A real relationship!

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Quiz topic: Do I like him?