Do you like guns

Hi, this quiz will use your understanding and knowledge of guns to determine if you're a true gun lover or not. Hope you enjoy this waste of time. On this, have fun taking this 15 minute quiz. Please comment what I could do better and what I should do for my next quiz.

So, are you ready for this quiz. Speedload all your gun knowledge into your head because you'll use it soon. But i still recommend watching a few videos and read a few books about the subject. This was pretty much nonsense to fill the 150 things cap.

Created by: Agent
  1. What are guns?
  2. How do guns shoot?
  3. What is the action of load a round into the chamber called?
  4. Name a 100 year old rifle.
  5. Were muskets efficient?
  6. What are gauges? (12 gauge, 14 gauge, 10 gauge...)
  7. What is a shotgun slug?
  8. What is the most destructive calliber?
  9. What is a hollow point round?
  10. What is a beanbag round?
  11. What are tracer rounds?
  12. How many rounds can a Spas12 hold?
  13. From here Imma go more general. What is a thermite grenade?
  14. What is an m60 chambered in?
  15. What is a deagle chambered in?

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Quiz topic: Do I like guns