Do you like Far Cry 4

Thank you so much you are so cool everybody.Please enjoy and see if You like Far Cry 4.I love it.I think it's one of the funniest and dumbest games ever.

You can learn everything about the game,if you pay attention to the questions.My first quiz ever is put to the test.And Once Again thank you everybody.

Created by: KillerofZs1234 of Game Geeks
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you like good stories in shooters?
  2. Do you like co-op story mode.
  3. Do you like guns?
  4. Do you like good graphics?
  5. Do you like good endings in games?
  6. Do you like multiple endings?
  7. Do you like explosions?
  8. Do you like magically fixing vehicle thats on fire with more fire with a blowtorch.
  9. Do you like good physics
  10. Do you like hella funny multiplayer glitches?

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Quiz topic: Do I like Far Cry 4