Do you like Emma Watson?

There are people. There are hot people. The representative of the hot people is none other than Emma Watson. Do you love her? Do you like her? Do you have a crush on her?

Are you a person who likes her? Are you a normal human being who makes sense and understands beauty? Are you constantly jealous of everybody who has dated her? Let's find out!

Created by: Noah Duffin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you human?
  2. Do you like Emma Watson?
  3. Do you look at pictures of her frequently?
  4. What do you think you will get?
  5. What is your desktop background?
  6. Why is she Belle in Beauty and the Beast?
  7. Emma Watson just flirted with you.
  8. You are going to marry Emma Watson. Reaction?
  9. What do you tell her on your wedding day?
  10. Do you love her?

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Quiz topic: Do I like Emma Watson?