How well do you know John Hamish Watson?

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OK, you've seen the show. You've watched all six episodes. You're excited about series 3. You RP on Twitter, or you admin a page on Facebook. But how well do you really know John Hamish Watson?

This quiz is to test YOUR knowledge of John Watson (BBC Sherlock). This is not Doyle's Watson, nor is it the one portrayed by Jude Law. This is our little hobbit.

Created by: Rose Freeman

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What country did John serve in?
  2. Where was John shot?
  3. What was the name of the "boring teacher" John dated?
  4. What is the John/Sherlock ship called?
  5. What animal is John often compared to?
  6. What was the correct response to news of series 3/possibly series 4?
  7. In what city is Sherlock filmed mainly?
  8. Who is the actor that plays John Watson in Sherlock?
  9. How adorkable is John on a scale of one to ten?
  10. What is John's sister's name?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know John Hamish Watson?