Do You Like Cats??

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This is just a short quiz to test how much you love cats!!! I apologize if it isn't entirely 'on the dot', because as you know... quizzes aren't always accurate!!

I reeeeeally hope this quiz satisfies you - it's my first one ^^ And maybe you could make one too! And lastly, if you do take the quiz, please try to be honest, ok?

Created by: Val
  1. Do you have any cats yourself?
  2. What is your favorite baby animal out of these three?
  3. Does your bestie have a cat?
  4. Are you the kind of person who would go to the pet store every day just to look at the animals?
  5. If you did go to the pet store every day, then would you choose to look at the bigger-sized pets (dogs, cats) or the smaller-sized pets (gerbils, mice, rabbits, fish)?
  6. Of the main bigger animals, would you choose dogs or cats?
  7. Choose which of these colors is your favorite.
  8. Do you like cute baby animals?
  9. Do you like seeing tiny dead animals on your doorstep now and then?
  10. Do you get nervous when you see someone/thing small climb a big hight?

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Quiz topic: Do I Like Cats??
