do you like bears

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there are many bear, but are you one? find out on this quiz the do you like bears quiz BEARS!!! AND LLAMAS!!! AND TIGERS!!! oh my, BEARS!!! AND LLAMAS!!! AND TIGERS!!! oh my

can you like bears find out now on this quiz, right here right now. BEARS!!! AND LLAMAS!!! AND TIGERS!!! oh my, BEARS!!! AND LLAMAS!!! AND TIGERS!!! oh my

Created by: sophanasy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whats your favorite colour?
  2. what would you name your dog
  3. if you could have a wild animal as a pet what would it be?
  4. whats your favorite food?
  5. do you like quizzes?
  6. what did you have for dinner?
  7. have you read or seen harry potter?
  8. do you have any pets, if so what?
  9. have you gone to
  10. what do you look for in a pet?
  11. what are you wearing?
  12. what colour socks are you wearing?
  13. what are you doing?
  14. random
  15. if you had a pet bear would it be...
  16. do you like MR.Noodles?

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Quiz topic: Do I like bears