Do you know what this word means?

Do you know what some words mean? Like Indefatigable. It means “An indication of approved or superior status”; “distinctive and stylish elegance.”. Confusing word.

¿Sabes lo que significan algunas palabras? Como incansable. Significa "Una indicación de estado aprobado o superior"; “elegancia distintiva y con estilo.”. palabra confusa.

Created by: Claire
  1. Delectable means
  2. Conspicuous means
  3. Nonviable means
  4. Blithe means
  5. Ebullience
  6. Lacerate means
  7. Predominant means
  8. Endearment
  9. Keck means
  10. Delineation means

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Quiz topic: Do I know what this word means?
