How elegant are you?

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Welcome ladies! This is a 20-question quiz to see how elegant you are. Now, I know everyone has a different style, but I am talking about elegance in the conventional sense.

Please comment and rate at the end, it means more than you know especially since this is my first quiz. Now ladies, please go ahead and enjoy! See you on the other end! :)

Created by: Adelina
  1. Hello! Welcome. I hope you read the description, so let's dive right in, shall we? Why are you taking this quiz?
  2. What is your style on a usual day? Which of these resembles your aesthetic the most?
  3. Which would you be most likely to wear for bottoms?
  4. What about a top?
  5. Shoes?
  6. How about a hat?
  7. How do you style your hair?
  8. Describe your makeup choices.
  9. What is your color palette?
  10. Okay, now about your personality. Pick a word to describe yourself.
  11. Same thing.
  12. How is your posture?
  13. Imagine you are entering a room dull of people you don't know. How do you do it?
  14. How do you sit in a chair?
  15. All right, now we are talking about etiquette. I promise we're almost done. Are you a generally nice person?
  16. Can you move gracefully? And talk gracefully? And all around just act gracefully?
  17. You are in a buffet line and a person in the front of you spills their food. What do you do?
  18. Okay, last question. You are on a first date with a guy and he compliments you. How do you respond?

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Quiz topic: How elegant am I?