Do You Know Twaimz?

Do you know a lot about the Youtuber Twaimz? You may, or you may not. But if you consider yourself a Twaimz fan, challenge yourself to taking this quiz!

Find out if you're a real fan or not, get your Twaimz knowledge score.

Created by: jade

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  1. What is twaimz's favourite animal?
  2. What is his real name ?
  3. What social medias does he have ?
  4. How old is he (2015)?
  5. What website did he say has creepy people on ?
  6. Has he ever met a llama.
  7. What is his song called?
  8. What and where does he class himself as?
  9. What does he say people who dislikes him looks like?
  10. If someone loves llamas ... Does he like them or not.
  11. If someone hates llamas does he like him/her or not.

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