Do you know the real me?

Alot of people know me I suppose; I hate alot, but I also like some. I claim these people to be my friends; and as a result, I am hoping they know me. I am hoping they know the REAL ME. Who I am on the outside, who I am on the inside. Why I do certain things...and some of my secrets, though secrets they are no more...for most.

But do you know me? Do you think you know who I am for real, or do you just think you do? Take this quiz...and let the results tell you how much you truly know me.

Created by: Jonathan Stopyra

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A person in one of my classes is aggrivating me extremely badly and I scream at them; how do I feel afterwards?
  2. A Superficial Question: At a store, I see 4 different items; which do I pick?
  3. The GSA Club is having their club photograph taken for the yearbook; would I want to be in it?
  4. Simple question: You fail this one, you obviously don't know me enough that I consider you a decent human being. Do I like guys...or girls?
  5. What do I do when I'm super stressed out/depressed or nervous?
  6. I smile sometimes, as do all people. But when I TRULY SMILE; it's quite obvious when it's a BAM SMILE; why is that BAM SMILE there?
  7. Being around masculine men makes me feel...
  8. My Confidence Level equals...
  9. Out of all these things, what do I want to do the most before the end of the year?
  10. Superficial Question #2: Favorite color combinations?

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Quiz topic: Do I know the real me?