Do You Know the Lyrics of every Encanto Song??

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This is a measure of your nerdy-ness for Encanto! But there's no shame in being a nerd for the movie that you love. I'm a totally nerd! That's why I made this quiz!

I hope that you are happy with your results! If you aren't, take it over and over and over again until you are! If you are happy with your results, tell others about this quiz!

Created by: Encanto Nerd Lucy
  1. What comes next, "Have you met my cousin Dolores?"
  2. What comes next, "I grow rows and rows of roses."
  3. What comes next, "Was Hercules ever like, 'Yo, I don't wanna fight Cerberus!'?"
  4. What comes next, "Columbia se!"
  5. What comes next, "Hey look, it's Mr. Mariano!"
  6. What comes next, "Two caterpillars."
  7. What comes next, "It's a heavy lift with a gift so humbling."
  8. What comes next, "Show this family something new!"
  9. Bruno gets two questions! What come next, "In doing so, he floods my brain."
  10. Double question!! What comes next, "He told me that the __ of my dreams would be promised and someday be mine."

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Quiz topic: Do I Know the Lyrics of every Encanto Song??
