Do you know the Jonas Brothers?

There are many smart Jonas fans, but are you a true super fan, take this quiz to see if you pass all of the Jonas questions if you do you know that you are a true Jonas fan.

Are you a genius? Do you think that you know Jonas? Well then take this quiz to find out your strength and weaknesses of the Jonas fame. If your good you'll pass.

Created by: Jordan
  1. How many guitars does Nick and Kevin have?
  2. What is Nicks favorite color?
  3. Who wrote A Little Bit Longer?
  4. How old is Joe?
  5. What year did Kevin get married?
  6. What was the Jonas Brothers original name?
  7. How old was Nick when diagnosed with Diabetes?
  8. What year was Kevin born?
  9. What year was Joe born?
  10. What year was Nick born?

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Quiz topic: Do I know the Jonas Brothers?