Are You a True Jonas Brother Fan?

There are many Joe Jonas Fans out there! What is a Joe Jonas fan you ask? A real Joe Jonas Fan is a honestly devoted fan of Joe who cares about him. His career and doesn't only like him for his looks or one simple reason but loves him for all his hard work and what he does.

So are you a true Joe Jonas fan? Do you deserve the title of a Joe J Genius? Well take this Quiz to find out! I hope you do good because if not your just wasting your time taking this quiz!

Created by: ashley

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Joe's full name?
  2. What is Joe J's Birthday?
  3. What are Joe J's Nicknames?
  4. How tall is Joe Jonas?
  5. If Joe wasn't in the Jonas band what did he want to be?
  6. What does Joe enjoy doing in his spare time?
  7. What is Joe's favorite color?
  8. What is Joe's favorite food?
  9. What's Joe's favorite ice-cream?
  10. What is Joe's favorite movie?`
  11. Joe favorite sport?
  12. What is his trademark?
  13. What part does Joe have in the Band?
  14. What is Joe's favorite drink?
  15. Where was Joe born?
  16. When did Joe first start being homeschooled?
  17. What was one thing that Joe collected as a child?
  18. What is Joe's favorite band?
  19. What is one of Joe's personal quotes?
  20. Which one of these did Joe say?

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Quiz topic: Am I a True Jonas Brother Fan?