Do you know Hawaii?

This quiz is about Hawaii!! Take this quiz to see how much you know about Hawaii. Afterall Hawaii has some surprising new facts. Have fun taking the test!!!!

Do YOU have the knowledge of hawaii?? Do YOU know as much about hawaii as you think you do?? Take this quiz to find out!! You'll find out more about Hawaii!!!

Created by: Cutiegirl545

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  1. Who united all the islands together?
  2. How many letters does the HAWAIIAN alphabet have?
  3. What are the 8 main islands of Hawaii?
  4. When did Hawaii become a part of the USA?
  5. What number is the state of Hawaii?
  6. What is the highest point in Hawaii?
  7. What is the name of the island O'ahu's football team?
  8. What is the capital of Hawaii?
  9. What is the hawaiian state bird?
  10. Which fish was the state fish, became NOT the state fish, then became the state fish again?
  11. What ocean is Hawaii in?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Hawaii?