How Hawaii Has Changed Over Time: How Much do You Know

For my presentation I have also made a quiz on Hawaii. To find out how much you learned about Hawaii from my poster board take this quiz and try your best!

For my presentation I have also made a quiz. Try and do your best to see how much you learned and remember that you can look back at my poster board for help.

Created by: How Hawaii has Changed
  1. Who came to Hawaii first?
  2. Who came after the Polynesians?
  3. Who was the first Ruler of Hawaii?
  4. Who was the last ruler of Hawaii?
  5. When was Hawaii taken over by the United States?
  6. Once it was taken over what did it become?
  7. When did Captain Cook first come to Hawaii?
  8. Who singed a letter apologizing for overthrowing Hawaii?
  9. What volcano was said to be the home of Pele?
  10. What god did the native Hawaiians on Maui think Captain Cook was?

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Quiz topic: How Hawaii Has Changed Over Time: How Much do I Know