Do you know Harry potter?

HARRY POTTER a world created by a wonderful woman JK ROWLING...such a creative mind she has got there... we all love harry let's try ourselves about HP!

so you think that you know Harry potter, eh? Okay...then mind trying a few very simple and easy questions I have got here...sure you know the everything..

Created by: pink panther
  1. When did Harry's parents died?
  2. Colour of Harry's eye's was:
  3. Occupation of Hermione's parents:
  4. Professor Snape was:
  5. Harry's first broomstick was given to him by:
  6. Harry's favourite subject at hogwarts was:
  7. Who became Minister of Magic after Cornelius Fudge?
  8. Metamorphosis is the ability:
  9. Harry's pet was:
  10. Who owned the Deathstick (im the end):

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Quiz topic: Do I know Harry potter?