Do you know ever after high

You are pretty beautiful no matter how ugly you think you are you are gorgeous and don't let anybody bring you down weither you have no friends or not you are loved by God

you are smart and don t let anybody tell you you that your not special because you are weither you like someone or not you are special to me and God Love peace

Created by: bella thorn
  1. Who is daughter of Cupid
  2. Who is the daughter of the dark fairy
  3. Who is daughter of sleeping beauty
  4. Who is the daughter of the evil queen
  5. Who is daughter of Cinderella
  6. Who is daughter of snowhite
  7. Daughter of white rabbit
  8. Daughter of pinocioo
  9. Son of hunts man
  10. Are fairytales real

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Quiz topic: Do I know ever after high