Do you know Ariana Grande?

I hope you got ready for this quiz because this is going to be a really hard quiz if your ready then start. Wish you good luck . p.s the questions are extremely complicated . good luck

Do you know alot about Ariana Grande. click here to take a quizz on how much you know Ariana Grande. you will get tested the scored . Thank you so much hope you get them all right ps. some of them a hard

Created by: llama_lover
  1. How old is Ariana?
  2. What was Ariana's first song?
  3. What was the first show Ariana featured in?
  4. What is her favorite animal?
  5. What is Ariana's father's name?
  6. What year was Ariana born in?
  7. Where was Ariana born?
  8. How many pets does Ariana have?
  9. This os a hard one what is the highest note Ariana has reached?
  10. What is Ariana's mother's name?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Ariana Grande?