Do You Have Good Friends?

Are you hanging out with the right people? Good friends may be hard to find but once you find them it is the best thing ever to happen to a human being.

Are you hanging out with people who will pick you up when you are down? Friends who will be with always and will always agree with you on everything. Also people who will stand up for you and most importantly have FUN with you.

Created by: Girlnextdoor04
  1. Do your friends bring you down or make you feel bad?
  2. Do they try and encourage you to do things you should not do?
  3. Do they ever gossip about you?
  4. Do they pay attention to you?
  5. Do they ignore you?
  6. Do they try or do get you in trouble?
  7. Do you guys hang out a lot?
  8. Are they bullies?
  9. Do they tease you?
  10. Can they keep a secret?

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