Do you have COVID?

Hi! Do you wanna know if you have COVID? In my opinion, you should see a doctor but I am me and you are you. Maybe you’re taking the quiz for fun! Nobody wants to ruin a quiz by wondering, “Am I going to die of COVID19?”.

¡Hola! ¿Quieres saber si tienes COVID? En mi opinión, deberías ver a un médico, pero yo soy yo y tú eres tú. ¡Quizás estás respondiendo el cuestionario por diversión! Nadie quiere arruinar un cuestionario preguntándose: "¿Me voy a morir de COVID19?".

Created by: Claire
  1. Do you have a fever? Or chills?
  2. What about a cough? Do you have a cough?
  3. Do you have shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?
  4. Do you feel fatigued?
  5. Muscle or body aches?
  6. Do you have a headache?
  7. New loss of taste or smell?
  8. How about a sore throat? Do you have that?
  9. Congestion or runny nose?
  10. Nausea or vomiting?
  11. Ew! Diarrhea?
  12. Have you been exposed to anyone with COVID or who was sick recently?
  13. Are you vaccinated? (For COVID)
  14. What do you think about masks?
  15. Do you think you have COVID?

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Quiz topic: Do I have COVID?

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