are you depressed

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i am 11 i made this quiz to prevent people from commuting suicide, please stay safe and where a mask, i know Covid dose not make things better but mental heath is still available, please be kind and loving to all and yourself, enjoy your life and good by.

hi, i am 11 and i know a lot about sadness and i recommend traveling,seeing a doctor, using vitamins from a doctor, sleep 8 hours, do yoga, think positive, be creative, listen to music, communicate and take a long BATH.

Created by: Holly R. Johnson
  1. are you feeling sad or empty?
  2. are you having thoughts of death or suicide?
  3. are you having aces and pain?
  4. are you overeating and have weight gain?
  5. do you have lack of appetite?
  6. do you experience lack of memory, connection, and derision making?
  7. do you experience insomnia or lack of sleep?
  8. do you have a lack of energy lately?
  9. do you experience anger or get irritated very easily?
  10. do you enjoy participating in actives?
  11. do you feel aggressively guilty?
  12. do you feel worthless?
  13. are you feeling hopeless or helpless?
  14. do you peripatetic in alcohol and drug abuse?

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Quiz topic: Am I depressed
