Do you have a secret soul?

Thank you for taking this beware the results may not be accurate: My name is Carter and I'm a witch , were a jack of all trades when it comes to magic but we aren't as strong in them as the sorcerers who can only use one area but they are strong in this area.

This will be testing your mind answer honestly because sometimes what you want ISNT what you need. Later on I will make a soul accadeny enterage test so keep waiting bye.

Created by: Lost_Souls

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you ever feel someone watching you.
  2. What do you see looking through the forest at anytime.
  3. What about the sky?
  4. The sea?
  5. The flames?
  6. The earth?
  7. Do you feel protected even when you are alone?
  8. What weapon do you see in your mind.
  9. What animal spirit do you sense.
  10. Thank you for taking this

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Quiz topic: Do I have a secret soul?