Do you have a problem???

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This is a test to see if you have a problem. Many people are weird, but now you can see if you are just a tad strange or PSYCHO. Have fun, and don't forget that burrito!

This is a test to see if you have a problem. Many people are weird, but now you can see if you are just a tad strange or PSYCHO. Have fun, and don't forget that burrito!

Created by: S542 of Christmas Trees Are Fun
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. First of all, why are you taking this?
  2. Do you think that you're weird?
  3. Have family members told you that you have a problem?
  4. Which word is the most appealing?
  5. Do you believe... in toasters?
  6. Which one is hazardous to your health?
  7. So... what did you do today
  8. True or false: broccoli good for you
  9. What do you like to hear?
  10. What would you say if you met the president?
  11. NO, don't do it!

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Quiz topic: Do I have a problem???