do you have a big ego?

some people think that having an ego is fine it is but I created this quiz to help people control there ego.............I take that back. I whant to help people relies that if they have an oversized ego go control it.

the reson I created this in quiz fourm was so that friends did not have to breake any harsh news to there friends.......... and so be it..............

Created by: jasmin of
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. when no one is talking are you the first one to start a conversation?
  2. when a conversation starts that you are not involved in do you iterupt and start talking about yourself?
  3. how oftin do you look in the mirror?
  4. do you have conections when your having a conversation?
  5. what do you do during your free time?
  6. how much time do you spend in the bathroom in the morning
  7. how long does it take you to pick out your close?
  8. how long does it take to brush your hair?
  9. on a scale from 1-5 how much do you care about your aperince?
  10. on a scale from 1-5 how much do you care about your aperince?
  11. do you like warm colers
  12. do you like cool colers

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Quiz topic: Do I have a big ego?