Do you have a bf/gf?

I am pretty sure I know if you have or don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend, ore if you are married! Try this out, lets see if I am correct!!!

I hope I am right, comment on what you got and if I am right or not.

Created by: William
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever had a bf/gf?
  2. Have you ever broken up with someone?
  3. How bad was it?
  4. Are your parents divorced?
  5. Do you have sisters or brothers?
  6. I know if you do already... How was your day?
  7. How are you?
  8. Do you enjoy life?
  9. Do you bite your finger/toe nails?
  10. Do you push people away who try to be nice to you?

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Quiz topic: Do I have a bf/gf?