Do you belong with a blonde, brunette, or redhead etc. | Comments

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  • Your Result: Barbie/Ken

    Two words-Paris Hilton. These are the originals. plastic perfection. Nice on the outside, not much going on in the inside. That's hot! thats all the deeper it gets with this soulmate.

    Dye job
    Black Beautiful
    Smart Blonde
    Sorta smart blonde

    --- WHAT?!?! im a brunette!!! im not supficial but i am very imagnative but im not a barbiee!! eww.. i hate barbiess xD

    Too me
  • Your Result: Brunette 80%

    This girl/guy can be well grounded one moment and totally flaky in the next. They can be sweet, but watch it. In my experience these are the backstabbers.

    78% Black Beautiful
    62% Redhead
    52% Barbie/Ken
    48% Dye job
    32% Sorta smart blonde
    30% Smart Blonde
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    i hope you end up with your soulmate regardless of their hair color but maybe this will lead you in the right direction thanks for taking the quiz thanks for taking the quiz

    "Do you belong with a blonde, brunette, or redhead etc." was created by Tristan

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    The faded smoke
  • umm sorry to disappoint you but not all blondes are stupid! everyone is just jealous of us because they wish they could have long luscious beautiful blonde hair. ive never made below a 95 in my life and im in all AP classes. im probably smarter than most brunettes, and red heads put together.

  • Your Result: Black Beautiful 90%

    This chica/o is the eptimome of the romance novels. these are the people that have the hair that almost everyone at some point in thier lives have wanted. AMazing tresses!

    82% Brunette
    70% Redhead
    68% Sorta smart blonde
    57% Dye job
    47% Barbie/Ken
    41% Smart Blonde

  • I really am a brunette and that was my result. Nice quiz.

  • some people say i have orange hair and other people say that my hair is light brunette.

  • brunettes the backstabbers? lol. i'm brunette :P.

  • I got a smart blonde aw that is so cute I love that.

  • smart blonde, lol.

  • black head he he

  • ok brunette......ok than

  • resuly blondes


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