Do you agree with The RLA's political views?

The RLA is a new political party from Mid-Wales. It stands for many important issues and wishes that the government could find the best way for Britain to be run.

Are your views like The RLA's. Take this quiz to find out. If you score highly, then you should probably consider joining The RLA as it will agree with your political views.

Created by: Sum-Wan-Creepy
  1. Do you think that Britain should leave the European Union?
  2. What is your opinion on benefits?
  3. Do you think Britain should try to get as much oil as possible?
  4. Should alcohol and tobacco be banned?
  5. Is hunting for sport a good idea?
  6. Is the Government doing enough to reduce homelessness?
  7. Should we copy the US and use the death penalty?
  8. Should animals have the same rights as humans?
  9. Is building nuclear power stations a good idea?
  10. Is democracy the best way to run a country?
  11. Is enough being done to prevent Global Warming?
  12. Is the education system working?

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Quiz topic: Do I agree with The RLA's political views?