What Political Group are You Part of?

Are you trying to find out what broad group of political philosophies your views fit into? If so, you have come to the right place. This quiz was made to help with just that.

After taking this short quiz, you should know whether your views line up most with conservatism, classical liberalism, socialism, social liberalism, nationalism, or anarchism. Good luck.

Created by: JeanLouisDavid

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where would you place yourself on the political spectrum?
  2. Which of these thinkers' ideas resonate the most with you? (Feel free to Google any unfamiliar names.)
  3. Which U.S. political party do you consider yourself closest to? If you are familiar with American politics, then just skip this question.
  4. Which U.K. political party do you consider yourself closest to? Again, if you aren't familiar with British politics, skip this question.
  5. What do you believe is the role of the state?
  6. Which of these is the greatest threat to humanity?
  7. Which of these would you consider closest to your guiding principles in politics?
  8. Are you more of a moderate or a radical?
  9. What is the modern political battle at its core?
  10. The police are subjected to too much scrutiny in our society.
  11. We would be better off if we could just lock away some of those expressing extreme or radical viewpoints.
  12. Because power corrupts, nobody can be trusted with it; therefore, the state must be abolished.
  13. Laws concerning moral issues such as drugs and sex must exist to preserve the moral character of the nation.
  14. In a civilized society, one must always have those above commanding those below.
  15. The state is necessary in order to keep the people in line.
  16. Capitalism has had an overall negative effect on society.
  17. Immigration is good, and should thus be as free and unregulated as possible.
  18. The Principle of Self-Ownership (that everyone has an inherent right to freedom which no other human may infringe upon) is true.

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Quiz topic: What Political Group am I Part of? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Politics Quiz category.