Do You Know Taylor Lautner?

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There are people that I swear live in a box, but then there are people that actually keep up will Taylor Lautner news. I know I do. And by the way I'm not a stalker, I got all these questions off the internet.

Take this quiz you will find out if you are know nothing about Taylor Lautner or if you're a professional. So go ahead take the quiz and see if you have mastered Taylorology. =).

Created by: kayla
  1. What is Taylor's middle name?
  2. When was he born?
  3. Did he take martial arts classes?
  4. What is his character's name in the Twilight series?
  5. Does he think it is embarrassing to take off his shirt?
  6. Did he go out with Selena Gomez?
  7. In 2010 what was he ranked in the 50 sexiest men?
  8. Out of these movies which one was he in?
  9. In the kids choice awards what was he nominated for.
  10. How many pounds of muscle did Taylor gain for the role of Jacob?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know Taylor Lautner? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Actors and Actresses Quiz category.