Do u feel secure and safe with ur friends or family?

Please do this quiz if u don’t think u can trust or not be urself around ur friends or family. This quiz is aimed at 11-15yr olds but anyone can do it!

I’m only a child so this quiz might not be that accurate but I tried my best 2 make it truthful! Good luck at my wuiz! Remember to rate and comment when ur done!

Created by: AlareB_42W
  1. Would u trust ur family
  2. Would u trust ur friends
  3. Do u know ur style
  4. Can u be urself around ur friends
  5. Can u be urself around ur family
  6. Do ur parents know ur likes and dislikes
  7. Do ur parents allow u 2 wall 2 school by urself
  8. R ur parents overprotective
  9. Do u and ur friends have the same interests
  10. Do u argue with ur friends
  11. Do ur parents ague or shout a lot (whether it’s at u or not)
  12. Do ur parents swear (whether it’s at u or not)

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