Do these funny tricks

this is my try these funny jokes quiz it gives you possible tricks to do can you do them try to be honest with all of the quistions itll give you a better result !

this quiz has alot of funny wacky jokes to do ill make another one if i get atleast 3 comments hope these arent so hard for you i tried /testes them out there perfectly safe and fun please comment .thanks !!!

Created by: mortl43

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  1. hi this is my quiz
  2. try to do this lick your elbow with your tounge did you do it right ?
  3. ok now try this pat your head and rub your belly at the same time can you do it?
  4. bet you cant do this get both of your elbows and put them on a knee(one elbow on one knee the other elbow on the other knee)now try to out strech your legs without moving your elbows can you do it ???
  5. okay do this sit down on your tippiy toes without moving !can you do it
  6. do this put your hands on your lap then use them to shake but dont move your knees
  7. close your eyes count to ten then count from 10 to 1 backwads then bent your head
  8. close your ears with your pointing finger then leaving them like that use your thumbs to reach your mouth and make it smile
  9. last one try to Post a comment with your eyes closed
  10. ready to see if you can do wackzy jokes ???

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