Should You Shave Your Head

Are you afraid of shaving your head? You should any way but heres a quiz. There arent many like this one, so its obvioslly great. Dont worry itll be fine.

I have to make an info paragraph even though I have no more info to give just ignore this stuff so just get here n with this and I am typing subconsciously

Created by: Xxdxxxd
  1. Are you busy?
  2. Electric clippers feel ...
  3. Do you want to be able to cut your hair yourself
  4. Is your hair damaged
  5. How much do you wish to spend on har ever month
  6. You see someones head being shaved. You...
  7. What is the shortest haircut u have ever had?
  8. Would you shave your head for money
  9. Would you consider shaving your head for a charity? (Ex cancer research)
  10. What has stopped you from shaving your head?
  11. Do oppenions matter

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Quiz topic: Should I Shave my Head
