Do people think you're a cutter? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Do people think you're a cutter?

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  • You dont exactly take into account cutters who are clever with their placement of cuts, for example those who stick to their shoulders so they can wear T-shirts. Or those who stick to their chest so they can wear tank tops.

    Biggest issue was with the long sleeve and short sleeve questions. Yes I wear T-shirts, because I refused to cut on my forearms, but I dont want my scars/injuries on display. No real option that fit.

    Everything else was pretty solid, and to those saying there are other ways of self harm? The quiz specifically says cutters in its name, so its not about SH as a whole, but the sub group who cut.

  • This was kinda black and white. There are grey areas. For example, not everyone is self harming in a manner that leaves a scar, some people having eating disorders which is still self destructive, but not in the way you're thinking. Just saying.

  • Your Result: People suspect nothing, but you do self-harm


    You are a pro at hiding that you self-harm/cut if you got this result most people wouldn't suspect that you self-harm. (please no hate, keep in mind that your result may not be 100% accurate I made this quiz so that people can see if other people think they might self harm) stay strong and I love you (sorry I'm awkward)

    46% People think you cut/self harm
    31% People do not think you cut/self-harm
    0% You don't self-harm/cut
    0% People know you self-harm/cut

    Yayyy :> (well at least people taking this quiz know now)

  • People think so,I have told a few people in my life that are close to me such as my significant other but I've never needed hospitalization or anything major for it. I have been doing somewhat better with the cutting and my eating disorder but I wish it would be a lot better but maybe someday it will hopefully.

  • Do people think you're a cutter?

    Your Result: People suspect nothing, but you do self-harm


    Y ou are a pro at hiding that you self-harm/cut if you got this result most people wouldn't suspect that you self-harm. (please no hate, keep in mind that your result may not be 100% accurate I made this quiz so that people can see if other people think they might self harm) stay strong and I love you (sorry I'm awkward)

    62% Peop le think you cut/self harm
    40% People do not think you cut/self-harm
    0% You don't self-harm/cut
    0% People know you self-harm/cut

  • I am glad that according to you, no one notices. :) I'm trying to stop, but it's not easy... people tell me to quit being selfish, and that hurts. It just adds on to the list of bad things I think about. I feel so alone, and I just want a hug. A silent hug.

    Katt Nipp
  • Yo serious, 98%?? I only have 36 some marks, sheesh

    Misty Oxeria
  • yes i am a pro at hiding them
    i hid them for 6 months already


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