Do I think you're hot?(Guys Only)
I'm bored and feel down so I made this test. I want to know what guys have the same intrests as me. Honestly that is about it. So sorry if you don't get the results that you wanted...... Hit me up on if you got a good score. Go to search friends and type in CatherineHarman or if that doesn't work try Cathi Wants A Skater Boy
I'm 13 almost 14. I'm 5'4 and have bright green eyes. I'm an average weight and have a nice figure. I'm naturally tan because I'm American-German-Japanese mix lol it doesn't make any sense. I look sexy though. I like skateboarding and listening to rock/punk/metal/screamo. I wear thick black eyeliner. Also I love skinny jeans and band leave a comment and I'll post back ;););)