Do I Like Him? (For 10-13 Year Old Girls)

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Hello fellow girls. Today we will be seeing if you like him. This is for 10-13 year old girls and it is based on my feelings for the boy I like. I tried hard on this quiz.

After this, take a 'does he like me' right here on I hope you enjoy and um, yeah that's all i can think of. Oh yeah, and be honest. Ok, see ya at the end of this quiz.

Created by: Bunnylover303
  1. Does he cloud your thoughts often?
  2. Do you have an urge to dress similar to him?
  3. Did you tell your friends about him?
  4. Do you know a lot about him?
  5. Do you catch yourself fantasizing about your future with him?
  6. Do you ever imagine scenarios involving him asking you out?
  7. Do you feel shy to say his name?
  8. Does your heart skip a beat when you here his name?
  9. Do you attempt to copy his posture?
  10. Do you put a mark next to a question he answers in school?

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