Does She Like You?

Okay, you can trust this quiz, I AM A GIRL, I KNOW HOW THEY THINK! Even if you feel this is hopeless, and that she doesn't talk to you much, take this quiz! That might be a sign that she likes you more than you think!!!

I basically just made this because you males need to know how us girls think!!! (Don't ya think, fellow girls?) So thank you, thank you. And: Good luck!

Created by: LoveExpert
  1. Are you married??? (Skeptical voice)
  2. This girl... What's the best description of how she acts when you talk to her? You can be honest!
  3. Why do you like/love her?
  4. What do you think of her beauty/lack of beauty?
  5. You two have....
  6. If you have kissed, WHERE did you kiss her?
  7. The first thing you said to her...
  8. Has she ever helped you with something?
  9. How do you treat her?
  10. (DOES NOT CONTRIBUTE TO THE SCORE) Did you like this quiz?

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