Discover your Hogwarts House!

This is a Quiz that will say at the end what Hogwarts house you are in! Enjoy! Just ignore this bit- wesxdrcfvgbhnjhgfhdgsfzdfggvhb,jmgvnfbdxfcgvhjugyftdrgfghj,m

Hopefully you like it! Please ignore this- awserdtfgyuhkijkhghfgdgcxvnccfghfhdtytdtuytyytyfgjfhfgcgcbcbvcvbcbvcbvcdrtcgvhjbkjn4srdtyfuygukjyfhtdgrsdctfygukjf

Created by: Annabell
  1. Your favourite colour is:
  2. you are:
  3. Your favourite subject:
  4. Your favourite Vegetable:
  5. Your favourite animal:
  6. You see someone drop their wallet containing 600 dollars what do you do?
  7. You see someone crying:
  8. Your taking a test what do you do:
  9. What would hurt you the most:
  10. Your being blackmailed, you have to hurt someone or they will hurt you and everyone you love, what do you do:
  11. You don't like a food that someone has served for you:
  12. Did you Like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Discover my Hogwarts House!
