Discover your Hogwarts House here!

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Try this fun little quiz to find your Hogwarts house! Are you a bold Gryffindor, kind Hufflepuff, wise Ravenclaw or an ambitious Slytherin. There is no wrong answer! Have fun!

You finally got your Hogwarts letter, so what are you waiting for? Find the house you belong in. I hope you like it, this is my first quiz so I hope it is good. Enjoy!

Created by: Luna lovegood
  1. How do your friends describe you?
  2. What pet would you take Hogwarts?
  3. What is you Patronus? or what animal are you most like?
  4. You are travelling along a path, it splits into four other paths which one do you choose?
  5. You see a classmate cheating on and exam, they came top of the class and you came second, do you...
  6. what are you most looking forward to when you get to Hogwarts?
  7. "Anything from the trolley dears?"
  8. What position would you play in Quidditch?
  9. You see someone bulling a first year what do you do?
  10. And lastly because the hat takes what you wish for into consideration, what house are you hoping to get?(This wont effect your result very much)

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Quiz topic: Discover my Hogwarts House here!
