Diaper Daycare Quiz

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Welcome to the Diaper Daycare Quiz. This is an intersting idea I hsd since I couldn't think of anything else for a diaper quiz since I have made so many others so here this is.

The point is this will be kinda like a normal diaper quiz but in this you are trapped in a daycare that although is nice, you must escape from by being old enough to not need any type of diaper. So it will have normal diaper questions as well as a few that will involve going in your pants to change answers and results so you stat longer talk about dang ol muhuahuahauahauahaaa.

Created by: Totally not a cop
  1. What is your gender?
  2. How many messy accidents have you have outside of potty training?
  3. How many times have you peed your pants?
  4. How many nighttime accidents have you had?
  5. When you are wet, how do you change?
  6. When you mess yourself, how do you get a clean diaper?
  7. Drink a huge cup of water, wait a while and put alot of pressure on your bladder by any means for a minute, and select what happened.
  8. Whenever you have to go poo again do whatever makes you feel like you are about to mess yourself for a minute.
  9. Colour?
  10. Gender? [I have a second one for a reason]
  11. yeah I didn't really have alot of ideas so comment if you want a ReMastered version

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