Describe a perfect day and ill give you a HIMYM character

The American sitcom How I Met Your Mother is one of the best sitcoms and this success except the amazing storylines and the funny scenes is because the audience can relate to the characters

Are you sweet and funny like Marshall? Are you bossy like Lilly? Are you romantic like Ted? Take this quiz and find out which character you look like the most!

Created by: Maire
  1. First, what would you have for breakfast
  2. Pick an activity for the morning
  3. Pick a lunch
  4. Pick an activity for the afternoon
  5. You are going drinking. What are you ordering
  6. You decide to pick up a girl. Which one do you chose
  7. How are you picking her up
  8. You decide to pick up a guy. witch one do you chose
  9. How do you pick him up
  10. You are going shopping. What do you shop for
  11. Ready for results?

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