Which tv character are you guy version

What male TV character are you? Are you sweet and funny like Marshall Erikson, a hot cop like Toby Cavanaugh, or a different TV personality. Come and find out.

All how i met your mother and pll characters in 13 fun questions. Wanna know wno you are? In a coupke of short minutes you will. Well what are you waiting for? Come on!

Created by: Brooklyn

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Your daily style.
  2. Pick one.
  3. Your romantic gesture for a girl b would be...
  4. Pick a number
  5. Pick a colour (s)
  6. Movie of choice.
  7. Your meat
  8. Favourite quote
  9. Pick a letter
  10. Pick a flavour
  11. Did you enjoy this quiz
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Quiz topic: Which tv character am I guy version