There are 4 types of people in this world. Nerds, Jocks, Goths, and of course emos. Wouldn't everyone like to know what they are? What are you? How will you ever know?

Do you cut yourself, go on the computer all the time, write poetry, or play sports? Until now you could only wonder what you were, but This Quiz will tell you. p.s. (Don't take the final answer too seriously but maybe take the advice.)

Created by: Carter Miles

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. In your free time what would you rather do
  2. School is:
  3. If you find $100 on the ground what would you do?
  4. Which of the following bands would you most likely listen to?
  5. Where would you most likely shop?
  6. What hair style do you have?
  7. Your parents?
  8. What is the point of life?
  9. Hows your love life?
  10. What do you watch on TV if anything?
  11. Why did you take this quiz?
  12. If the answer to this quiz doesn't turn out like you hoped it would, (and it probably won't) what will you do?

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