Death Calculator

People are always curious about when they will die. This quiz is going to help you get a good idea on that. Hopefully, now you'll know what habits to fix!!

How long will you live? 15? 99? You are gonna have to take this quiz to find out! Ok? OK. Let's do this thing!!! I am running on....... Yeah..........

Created by: SonicSwag
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your diet?
  2. What do you do when you're sick?
  3. How much do you exercise?
  4. Do you have any bad stuff? (Heart problems, asthma)
  5. How about dental stuff?
  6. Are you...
  7. How much do you smoke?
  8. How much do you drink alcohol?
  9. How often do you get sick?
  10. How risky are you?

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