Do you like math? Probably not. You are just a delinquint imbecile, wondering if they're smart. You're not. Unless, you get over 85% without a calculator... notice I said without a calculator.

Note that I am only 10 years old, so it may be to easy, but I have a high IQ. So it may be too hard. Just see what you get! This quiz includes PEMDAS, algebra, prime and composite numbers, and more. Good luck!

Created by: Layla
  1. What grade are you in? Will not affect your score.
  2. What is the square root of 81.64?
  3. x+2*-1*=_ If * and x are opposites, and x=5, what is _?
  4. 5^0+(3x4)-(5)2
  5. There is such thing as base 5.
  6. There is such thing as base 1.
  7. All multiples of 2 are composite.
  8. ( Just a quick survey ) Your IQ:
  9. Rate?
  10. Goodbye, thanks for taking.

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