Darkness or Light

How people behave in a disaster is a very interesting expression of what their true personalities are like. We all hide the true nature of our personalities, unless we really have nothing left to lose.

Try to answer the questions as you would really behave in the siituation presented, not as you think your favorite character would in the movies. It can be very revealing to see how people perform under real stress.

Created by: Joe Burge
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you found yourself ship-wrecked, you would;
  2. If you were confronted with a situation where someone was trying to kill you (riot, end of the world, crime, etc) you would;
  3. You have just lost your job, you;
  4. You are driving by an accident on the highway. You;
  5. There has been a major disaster in you building (fire, explosion, earthquake). You;
  6. You are trapped in a coal mine cave-in with four others. You;
  7. While mountain-climbing, your party is trapped in an ice-cave. There are injuries, and a limited supply of food and water. You;
  8. While cave-diving, your buddies air supply goes out (note: you are half-way into the cave, and sharing will probably kill you both). You:
  9. The zombies have awakended and are eating brains. You;
  10. The gasoline supply is gone, the country is in mayhem, people are killing each other for a peanut butter sandwich. You;
  11. You are a crew-man on Apollo-13, the air-supply is on the fritz and you are 380000 km from home. You;
  12. For whatever reason, you and your pet dog are trapped, and the only food supply is dog-food. You;
  13. Donner-Pass
  14. You are the sole-survivor of the axe-wielding murderer. You have the killer unconscious on the ground in front you. You;
  15. Your best friend is dying and asks you to put a bullet in his head and end his misery. You;
  16. Darth Vader reveals he is truly your father. You;
  17. The asteroid is about to collide with the earth. You:

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