Darkness OR Light

This world is inhabited by many people. The thing that makes each one different is their essence. See if Darkness lies in your heart of if you are as Light as the sun at sunrise.

Do you think that you are Evil, Light, or in between? Do you have the strength to test to see if you are good or evil. Tke this quiz and see what it is that lies in you heart and commands you to take the action you do every day.

Created by: Tony Cerenze

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are walking down a dark ally at night, and you come across a man being mugged. You notice his wallet get trown behind the dumpster in frount of you. What Do You Do?
  2. You are Driving a brand new car and a drunk teen slams into it!! What is you reaction?
  3. your jamming at a party and someone comes up to you and throws up all over you $300 shoes. What do you do next?
  4. Pick a Color
  5. Pick a name for your first child.
  6. What Style of music do you like?
  7. What is the first thing you say to your date on the first date?
  8. Someone you dislike comes up to you and asks for you forgiveness, What do you say?
  9. Do you Like This Test?
  10. Did you lie on any of these Questions?
  11. Do you ever lie about your age?

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