Crush thingy {for girls only} how to know if he is into you

Crus---isis is a disease that infects you mind and heart cause you have a crush. Sideafectes are: swooniness, cartoon hearts shooting out of your eyes, sickness, etc.

This means that your boy likes you but not in the crush way. you are better off friends {Or BFFs}. booo. But atleast you can stick together!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Jade Roberts
  1. Is your boy...
  2. In class, do your eyes lock several times?
  3. Does he hang out with you at your locker?
  4. Do you have crus---es
  5. Is he in alllllll your classes?
  6. What standard do you love him to?
  7. What is your relationship?
  8. What will you do?
  9. Did you like this quiz?? {Not counted in your points}
  10. Why did you take this quiz? {Not counted in your points either :D}

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