Will you Survive a School Shooting?

Welcome to my quiz! This is a quiz about a school shooting, and it is based on facts and research from experts. Please keep in mind that what happens on this quiz may not happen in real life.

With that in mind, remember that there could be graphic descriptions of situations on this quiz, so I advise you to take this quiz with caution. Other than that, enjoy!

Created by: Makayla
  1. First, let's get to know what your school and classroom situation is like. How many students in your class?
  2. Next, does your school have multiple floors? If so, how many?
  3. If your school has multiple floors, how far is/are your classroom(s) from the nearest stairs?
  4. Final question about your classroom(s) situation, what classroom would you be in a around 9:30 am, and how far are you from a door or window?
  5. Now, for the real quiz: It's about 9:30 am and you're in class listening to the teacher drone on and on about (insert class work). Suddenly, you hear a loud bang followed by screams. The principal announces a lockdown. You..
  6. The gunshots get closer, and the teacher tells you and your class to split up. You are forced to be by yourselves, because there is no time for the buddy system. You're running in the hallway and an oblivious substitute teacher who showed up late tells you to stop running. What will you do?
  7. You now have to hide because gunshots are being fired near you rapidly and you cannot run anywhere without putting yourself in danger. Where will you hide?
  8. When you get to your hiding place, you discover that your sibling was shot in the leg and is losing a lot of blood. You need to find something to stop the blood flow. You decide to..
  9. After whatever you did to help your sibling, you leave them there and insist that they hide and keep quiet. After about a minute of running, you hear a phone notification. It goes deathly silent. Will you retrieve the phone?
  10. Assuming you got the phone, you discover it's your best friend's phone! Luckily for you, you know their password! However, what will you do on the phone? It has 5% battery left!
  11. The police are on their way because of you, if you got the phone, or an anonymous caller from the school if you didn't. It's you, your best friend, your crush, and about 20 other people left in your grade. What will you do while waiting for the authorities?
  12. The police arrived before you could carry on with your plan (if you made one) and they guided you and your remaining classmates out of the building. You find out that he killer committed suicide, and it's safe.
  13. A few other questions for you personally, how much do you think you would freak out in a school shooting on a scale of 1-6?
  14. Finally, do you think you can survive?

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Quiz topic: Will I Survive a School Shooting?
